Voy a extrañarte tanto

Basilica de Vito Nacional
Basilica de Vito Nacional

I’m finally on my way. It’s been a strange couple of days and I’m fascinated each year when I head out on a new trip. As I get older I’m starting to have more fears. Don’t get me wrong – I am NOT afraid of snakes in the jungle or for my safety. I’m still – yes, still – afraid of being who I want to be and being vulnerable. You’d think I was still in high-school right? And these kinds of trips are all about getting outside of my comfort zone but, in all honesty, that’s just uncomfortable J And that’s how I’m feeling right now. More than anything I want to truly connect with the city and other people. Hopefully with an open mind and heart that’s exactly what will happen.

I’m going to miss the people I love so much but I do feel that going away like this each year makes me appreciate and respect all that I have. And I truly can’t wait to get deep into the jungle – surrounded by nature. New sounds, new sights and new friends. It’s there that I think I’ll find true joy and peace.

Check back soon. I’ll be writing and posting almost all days with adventures in Quito, Ecuador, the Amazon jungle and Cartagena Colombia.

5 thoughts on “Voy a extrañarte tanto”

  1. Aimee baby
    I admire your courage and curiosity about life.I am so proud for how brave you are. when in fear look far in horizon,there dimensions changes fear will look much smaller and beauty of where you are will give you the heart needed to walk stronger .Then,you realize how strong,how blessed and how lucky you are.
    Travel safe and know many sending their good energy your way ,you may need to get a little box for your back pack and when in need of more love or if you get some that want to bring its memory back capture it in it.
    If you have time pick up some small gifts to exchange with locals,they enjoy exchanging smallest gift with you.
    big hug and live life most colorful.

  2. I love the pic and story
    What an amazing and beautiful place to be
    I like to ride that bus and try the corn
    I just made some corn over wood charcoal to see if I can make your crazy recepe
    So nice you did find friends and did the dance and all
    Love it
    Keep the life on the happy side

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